Traditional Acupuncture, a sub-system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is deeply rooted in Five Element Theory (Wu Xing, Five Phases). It’s aim is to help people restore their balance at all levels (body, mind, soul) and grow and mature. For that purpose Traditional Acupuncture relies mainly on using the meridians’ elements points (ancient points).
Acupuncture points can be understood as an energy pattern. It is possible to activate them not only through needles or finger pressure, but also through meditation, opening our minds to their metaphorical imagery.
The eight trigrams are the basis of the I Ching. They are composed of three solid (Yang) or broken (Yin) lines. Two trigrams form a hexagram, one image of I Ching. The colored trigrams link to the respective chapters in the I Ching Course where they are explained in detail.