05 – waiting

“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip, but: I am all one with myself, I am entirely centered… All right? OK, so, again: I, I, all I, all centered, completely calm, rooted within myself. And right here-and-now I am turning towards… the world.

What a variety of possibilities! How on earth should I choose? What is right, what is important, what does (not) matter? My head may help me to sort it out: What corresponds to me? What distracts me from my path? Yet some cases remain undecidable, they lie beyond my intellect’s grasp: I simply do not know all the facts.

Weiterlesen: 05 – waiting

09 – the taming power of the small

“I, I, all I!” – Now it is me at the very center: all one with myself, concentrated, well rooted. That is the starting point. And from here, as soon as I feel ready to do so, I turn towards… the world.

What an immense variety of possibilities storms up on me! How in the world should I choose? What is right, what is important, what is superfluous? How should I make a choice? My head can help me: what corresponds to me? What is my path – and what possibly distracts me from my path?

Weiterlesen: 09 – the taming power of the small

11 – peace

“I, I, all I!” – did I get the message? Did I hear this fine, clear, subtle voice… and the message it speaks to me, deep from within my heart? Let us listen again carefully: what does it tell me?

If I am honest, I have long understood the message. Maybe I did not want it to be true, hoping I misunderstood. But I did not misunderstand. The voice is there, and I have understood its message.

Weiterlesen: 11 – peace

14 – possession in great measure

“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip. It simply means to be all one with ourselves, knowing who we truly are, deep inside. To quietly and contentedly sit smiling. Just like… a Buddha.

And then, with inner peace and well rooted: return to the world. A world that constantly storms up on us, in all its richness. A world that touches us, inspires, enriches us, affects and sometimes presses us… What a diversity – what a chaos!

Weiterlesen: 14 – possession in great measure

26 – the taming power of the great

“I, I, all I!” – I am standing at the summit, I have achieved something. And now? For a moment I rest, enjoying spectacular views. And then?
I’m standing at the summit. I have achieved something. I enjoy the views… What else do I see? More summits. Summits which I could set out for. And reenter the course of the world.

Weiterlesen: 26 – the taming power of the great

28 – preponderance of the great

Scope of Questions

For hexagram 28 – Preponderance of the Great users shared various – in part dramatic – situations with me. What is the common denominator? Eventually, how important it is, in the darkest moment, to be centered, to recollect on oneself: “I, I, all I!”

Weiterlesen: 28 – preponderance of the great

31 – influence

And now a short recipe for… happiness! 1. Briefly take stock and examine what may be an unnecessary burden, blocking your forces and as a result weakening. Let go all of it! 2. This releases new energies are and off you go…. Without any active involvement from your side, something starts happening: unstoppably, relentlessly, pushing out from your own core. Like a caterpillar inside the cocoon turning into a butterfly, invisibly following its own perfect pathway.

Weiterlesen: 31 – influence

32 – duration

Being truthful – that is a big word. How to get there? In many small steps, one after the other, until eventually one day we arrive: at self-centeredness. One with ourselves. Initially you may perceive your inner truth only vaguely. But by and by it intensifies. And one day you will start to express it. To the environment. Bravely. Uncensored.

Weiterlesen: 32 – duration

43 – break-through

“I, I, all I!” – all one with myself for a moment. All centered, undisturbed by the world’s demands. This is my moment for taking a deep breath. My moment to be just by myself… How does it feel, this, my innermost circle? What hides here, deep within my heart? Secret thoughts? Heartfelt wishes? Desirable objectives, life plans that I usually keep to myself?

Weiterlesen: 43 – break-through