11 – peace

“I, I, all I!” – did I get the message? Did I hear this fine, clear, subtle voice… and the message it speaks to me, deep from within my heart? Let us listen again carefully: what does it tell me?

If I am honest, I have long understood the message. Maybe I did not want it to be true, hoping I misunderstood. But I did not misunderstand. The voice is there, and I have understood its message.

Weiterlesen: 11 – peace

15 – modesty

Scope of Questions

  • A user is very exhausted by the situation he is in at the moment: a lot of (creative) chaos, construction sites, everything is very demanding. He knows that he should let go of all kinds of things, but he doesn’t know where to start. He asks the I Ching for advice and receives hexagram 15 – Modesty as an answer.
  • After a phone call with her husband a user got stomach cramps and vomiting. And suddenly she had the answer in her head: “You have to get a divorce.” Since then she feels deep inner peace, contentment – and no resentment at all. When she later consults the I Ching, the answer is hexagram 15 – Modesty.
  • “Where does the poison in my life come from?” asks a user. “Does it come from the outside or the inside? What is the source of my blockages – and what is it that always gets me tripped up in the end?”
  • One user describes his situation as follows: “We don’t feel very comfortable here in the village and in our house and wonder whether we should change. However, our daughter enjoys the location here very much.”
Weiterlesen: 15 – modesty

18 – work on what has been spoiled

Is something wrong here? And if so: what is it? A dynamic development ends unexpectedly with a reality check – why? Momentum is basically positive. It turns unpleasant if the autopilot takes control. Autopilot occurs when a situation’s dynamic no longer comes from our own interior, but is determined by external (eventually cultural) imprint. A reality check is quite beneficial: Do I really enjoy what is currently happening? Does it make sense? Does it corresponds to my very heart – or is it a copy of someone else’s life? The answers to these questions will lead to a decision. And probably you must let go of something: maybe the autopilot, which was in control until now?

Weiterlesen: 18 – work on what has been spoiled

26 – the taming power of the great

“I, I, all I!” – I am standing at the summit, I have achieved something. And now? For a moment I rest, enjoying spectacular views. And then?
I’m standing at the summit. I have achieved something. I enjoy the views… What else do I see? More summits. Summits which I could set out for. And reenter the course of the world.

Weiterlesen: 26 – the taming power of the great

36 – darkening of the light

Scope of Questions

  • A user describes her situation as follows: “I feel lots of love for the children, the love for my partner, however, is gone. I wish it was different, but this is as things are now. I feel a great sense of duty towards my family.” Regarding this situation the user asks the following question: “How to proceed?” The I Ching responds with hexagram 36 – darkening of the light.
  • A user asks the I Ging: “What does she want me to do?”
  • One user asks: “What is the cause of the agonizing ringing in my ears? What can I do to deal with it better or can it possibly go away completely?” She writes that it is particularly bad when she is alone in her flat. She reacts very strongly to her environment and wonders which buttons are being pressed. Is it the feeling of abandonment? Is it the feeling of abandonment in the presence of another person?
Weiterlesen: 36 – darkening of the light

46 – pushing upward

Scope of Questions

Several users describe situations and questions regarding Hexagram 46 – Pushing Upward:

  • One user describes his situation as follows: “In my family, it is all about success and competition. And I always was the loser, the problem. On the occasion of his new beginning and moving into his own, new apartment, he asks the following question: “Under what star will I be living in this apartment?”
  • A user writes: “About a year ago I met a man, who, like me, lives in a relationship. We understood each other extremely well and decided to be Platonic friends. But we both fell in love with each other. We were so naive..
    My mind tells me: give him up! But it is hard to let somebody go you like so much. It all starts to hurt me.”
  • One user feels almost like pregnant with lots of different information which want to be put together into a meaningful whole. Her question to the I Ching: “How can this happen?”
  •  Another user asks: “There is a lot of bullying at my place of work, even nice colleagues are affected. What should I do?”
  • A user asks the following question: “How can I act towards and with my art, get into a relationship with it?“ Again and again he found himself in conflict with his self and his art. How should he present himself and his art to the outside world without being identified exclusively through it or identifying himself with it too much? During the past years this dichotomy became so bad that he literally suffered from fear and panic attacks: of the expectations of others – and of his own expectations. He could make art only under immense inner pressure and in the meantime gained the insight that right at the very center of his creativity lies his worst (old) injury. All this stands in his way and hinders practicing his art freely and easily.
  • One user asks, “Is my boyfriend cheating on me?”
  • One user describes her situation as follows: “I am currently being harshly bullied out of work and in return I am trying to slowly detach myself, I have sent out job applications and hope to be accepted.”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/877888.htm

52 – keeping still

Case Study

A user consults the I Ching with the following concern: “How can I get to work independently in my profession?” She adds: “This year I attended a professional training course. Since then I have been playing with the idea of working independently, self-employed, to develop a new mainstay. I was really impressed by the speaker at the professional training. And anyway, for some time now I have felt like trying out some new methods and professional approaches.”
The I Ching responds with hexagram 52 – keeping still.

Weiterlesen: 52 – keeping still