04 – youthful folly

Hexagram 04 – youthful folly is auspicious, the judgement states: “Youthful folly has success…” But that only is true as long as we follow the path of the DAO, the way of the world – rather than to forcing our way onto the world. Or, as most usual, hand control over to our autopilot: unconscious control mechanisms and automated action patterns that may have had validity long time ago but that may be meaningless here and now.

Weiterlesen: 04 – youthful folly

07 – the army

These days – and just as this last question on the list below reached me – I have been thinking about the process of selfactualization. Our self, what-we-are, is a dynamic process that constantly evolves, progresses, “actualizes”, bringing our goals, our desires and intentions into harmony with the realities of life.
But let us first make it concrete. Here are various questions that reached me regarding 07 – The Army.

Weiterlesen: 07 – the army

19 – approach

We open ourselves to our environment – and become inspired… Not an easy task, if our head and mind are full. Ok, once again: we open ourselves, make ourselves empty and perceptive, curious, without prejudiced, without any prior knowledge. We listen carefully: What does the external world want to tell us? And all off a sudden: we perceive it – and are inspired! Nourished, fertilized, refreshed… connected with what previously was alien, non-familiar. From this contact with the external world a decision arises, followed by a long period of growth and materialization. Maybe it will take some time before we see results. But we need not do anything. Only trust: in our inspiration, in our decision.

Weiterlesen: 19 – approach

29 – the abysmal

Scope of Questions

So far the following feedbacks regarding regarding hexagram 29 – the Abysmal:

  • Due to circumstances beyond her control a user lives in an international long distance relationship. Her libertarian partner does fine with it, for herself it is a “better-than-nothing”: Basically the situation does not work for her.
  • Another user reflects on a glassy sea over shoals as follows: “For me, a glassy sea brings the following to mind: keeping everything quiet. From the outside, everything looks calm, however, under the glassy surface there are enormous emotional shoals. These shoals are the ancient behavioral patterns that have been passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years. I myself, as part of this chain, am without any influence on it, my consciousness / body consciousness does not react at all to my wishes for liberation or change. The result is that I am actually incapable of action. I can rebel against the unwanted circumstances, but when my strength is used up, I am left with only resignation. In my case it’s a cycle that has been going on for more than 50 years now.”
  • The user’s landlady terminated his lease for personal use – after less than a year and a lot of money for renovation work. With three children and a dog, however, it is not easy to find an affordable replacement apartment. The lawyer advises calm. The question to the I Ching is, “Will there be a lawsuit and how will it turn out for us?”
  • One user asks: “How can I now find joy, peace and hope – as the last scion of a thorny family drama, impoverished, chronically exhausted, in inner emigration? Must the family always have the last word, may we not decide our own relationships and connections?”
    The I Ching answers with 29 – the abysmal.
  • One user asks: “Will I ever be able to open up to a partner or love again?”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/878878.htm

41 – decrease

Scope of Questions

So far I received various questions regarding hexagram 41 – decrease:

  • A user asks: “Was it just my own thought … or did I really hear his voice?”*
  • Another user would like to buy a nice condominium, but is not yet sure if he should do so. His question to the I Ching: “What happens if I buy the condo?”
  • One user describes himself as a person full of mental blockades. However, these began to loosen up recently. His question now to the I Ching is: “How do I get closer to a new professional vision?”
  • A user asks: “How can I fulfill my life path/soul path?”
Weiterlesen: 41 – decrease

59 – dispersion

Case Study

A user asks the I Ching about her business constellation which has served her well for a long time. Recently, however, she felt that it was time for a change as she wanted to focus on a different target group in the future. The I Ching answers with hexagram 59 – dispersion. The title, dispersion, confuses her: does it mean that she should liquidate her old business and then to start all over again in a new constellation?

Weiterlesen: 59 – dispersion

60 – limitation

Scope of Questions

  • The user’s question is: “What is there to say about the city / area where I live?” The user has lived in this place for a long time, but always with a feeling of alienation, uneasiness, like a prisoner. At the same time he feels gratitude – but also burden, boredom.
    The answer of the I Ching is: 60 – limitation. Somehow he likes the interpretation with humus. A similar sentence has accompanied him for a long time, a sentence that speaks about flowers that need exactly this kind soil/dung to grow.
  • The question of the user: “What is important now, in this existentially threatening situation?” The background, as he explains, is that new projects are developing which give him justified hope. He feels that he should nurture hope and at the same time take the chaos (in the form of his living environment) more easily. There is a lot to be cleared up, and this mountain of work together with old fears almost paralyze him. But at the same time he feels hope, a light that gives him courage and says: Everything is good.
  • A user asks how he should behave in the cooperation that is about to begin. He actually feels superior to his partner because of his greater experience and would like to set the pace. On the other hand, it is clear that his counterpart will manage and coordinate the entire project.
  • One user asks: “When will Max the dachshund return to his owner? Will he even come back?”
  • One user writes: “I’ve started a new job and I’m realizing that I’m becoming more and more overwhelmed with the work requirements. At first I thought that the project would open up to me as I got used to it, but now I realize that I am more exhausted and drained every day. My question to the I Ching is: ‘How can I solve the situation? What should I do?'”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/778878.htm

61 – inner truth

Scope of Questions

  • A user has the following concern: “Why does the question about the meaning of life constantly pop into my mind, even though that questions seems to lack sense and I just turn in circles?”
  • Another user asks what the coming year will bring. The I Ching’s answer, hexagram 61 – Inner Truth, fits well with her life situation. She is learning more and more to rely on her inner voice and her perception for guidance.
  • One user writes: “I have been seeing a man on and off for about two and a half years. On the one hand, we feel attracted to each other in a special way, but on the other, it doesn’t seem to be the right time for a partnership. Eventually we could meet and connect very easily and light-heartedly on a physical level, I as a woman would just have to give the signal. But within myself I’m not ready yet. So much old stuff overshadows my own joyful energy, I lack inner security.”
  • One user’s question is: “How can I find my strength in my artistic work and enjoy it again?”
Weiterlesen: 61 – inner truth