05 – waiting

“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip, but: I am all one with myself, I am entirely centered… All right? OK, so, again: I, I, all I, all centered, completely calm, rooted within myself. And right here-and-now I am turning towards… the world.

What a variety of possibilities! How on earth should I choose? What is right, what is important, what does (not) matter? My head may help me to sort it out: What corresponds to me? What distracts me from my path? Yet some cases remain undecidable, they lie beyond my intellect’s grasp: I simply do not know all the facts.

Weiterlesen: 05 – waiting

09 – the taming power of the small

“I, I, all I!” – Now it is me at the very center: all one with myself, concentrated, well rooted. That is the starting point. And from here, as soon as I feel ready to do so, I turn towards… the world.

What an immense variety of possibilities storms up on me! How in the world should I choose? What is right, what is important, what is superfluous? How should I make a choice? My head can help me: what corresponds to me? What is my path – and what possibly distracts me from my path?

Weiterlesen: 09 – the taming power of the small

10 – treading (conduct)

I was told two job stories these days. Both situations involve encroaching employers. In one case, extra (unpaid) hours are demanded with a flimsy justification; in the other, extra tasks were assigned that require extra work, which is then not paid. The I Ching‘s commentary in both cases is 10 – the treading.

Weiterlesen: 10 – treading (conduct)

14 – possession in great measure

“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip. It simply means to be all one with ourselves, knowing who we truly are, deep inside. To quietly and contentedly sit smiling. Just like… a Buddha.

And then, with inner peace and well rooted: return to the world. A world that constantly storms up on us, in all its richness. A world that touches us, inspires, enriches us, affects and sometimes presses us… What a diversity – what a chaos!

Weiterlesen: 14 – possession in great measure

30 – the clinging

Is it good for me – or is harmful? How can I find out? The easiest method is probably: to try it out. But before marching off we should carefully examine the whole situation. Nothing is ever so new to us that we have no prior experience at all. What do we already know? What is the situation’s background? Well-being? Stomach ache?

Weiterlesen: 30 – the clinging

38 – opposition

…and I return to the world: my (re-)birth!

What reactions do I get? What are the environment’s responses? Am I received with with open arms, listened to carefully? Or does nobody really care about what I have to say, preferring the old “me”? And, how do I respond? No, definitely not retelling the old, pleasing stories. But: my true story. Anything else would result in a false life and we know: there is no right life amidst wrongs.

Weiterlesen: 38 – opposition

48 – the well

Scope of Questions

  • A user asks the I Ching about his entrepreneurial orientation and several times (!) he receives hexagram 48 – the Well as an answer. More precisely his question refers to the criteria by which he should make future professional and business decisions. Should he concentrate on more conventional criteria (security, pay) or rather on his personal beliefs (ethics, philosophy) and interests (development, innovation)?
  • One user asks: “Will I have a relationship with my first lover?”
  • A user asks: “Why is it always me who listens and who gives – without ever being listened to, without getting anything myself?”
  • One user asks: “Will my partner find his way back to me after the separation and can I be a positive part of his future project? Because so far my strengths have not been recognized and I don’t feel integrated. Do I need to take more initiative or let go?”
Weiterlesen: 48 – the well

54 – the marrying maiden

Scope of Questions

The Marrying Maiden – what a programmatic title! Although hexagram  54 – The Marrying Maiden probably speaks about beginnings in general(not only of a partnership nature), I have received, I have only received questions that literally fit the title:

  •  A user asks: “What is the current state of our connection: Will we have a relationship?”
  • One user describes her situation as follows: “I’ve been in a relationship for seven years now. We are opposites, we are both dominant, we are no strangers to arguments… Nevertheless, we always find our way back to each other and the subject of marriage has been on the table for a long time. My question to the I Ching: ‘How should I behave in this partnership, which I often feel is a battle?'”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/778788.htm

56 – the wanderer

Scope of Questions

I have received the following questions regarding hexagram 56 – the wanderer:

  • The user’s question is: “What I can do to enjoy my life more?” She describes her general situation as follows: “I cannot bear disharmony with other people, it paralyzes my life force and makes me feel deeply depressed. At the same time I feel guilty and responsible for the situation. That’s why I’m always the one who takes the first step after disharmony, a pattern I’ve been following since childhood. I would really like to develop something like self-love.”
  • One user writes: “I am self-employed as a parent coach. However, the business is not going well yet. My question to the I Ching: ‘Am I on the right track? Should I rethink my target audience?'”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/887787.htm