The Images Stem from the Ideas: Pictograms

Since I started to work more intensively on deciphering the hexagrams, one of the most important sources that showed me the way was the quote from Wang Bi in which he talks about the fish trap. He says:

The images stem from the ideas.… The images are the trap for the ideas… once you have captured the ideas, you can forget the images. Wang Bi (from Zimmermann 2007, 64 and note 14)

Hexagramm 11 – Der Friede
Hexagram 11 – peace with pictograms
Weiterlesen: The Images Stem from the Ideas: Pictograms

What does the Hexagram want to tell me? Deciphering the Path of Transformations

We have seen earlier that the hexagrams with which the I Ching responds to us are messages from our unconscious to our daily consciousness. This sounds beautiful at first. In practice, however, it quickly becomes clear how challenging it is: How should one understand the meaning of the I Ching’s response to the question formulated during the consultation? And how can one work with or implement these answers concretely?

Weiterlesen: What does the Hexagram want to tell me? Deciphering the Path of Transformations

Follow the Path of the Dao: A Western Approximation

The interpretations of individual hexagrams (as for example hexagram 11 – peace ) start out with Eastern concepts, but from there successively move on . If one wants to follow this approach further and interpret the hexagrams from a perspective that is even stronger rooted in Western thinking, philosophical anthropology provides a good framework.

Weiterlesen: Follow the Path of the Dao: A Western Approximation

10 – treading (conduct)

I was told two job stories these days. Both situations involve encroaching employers. In one case, extra (unpaid) hours are demanded with a flimsy justification; in the other, extra tasks were assigned that require extra work, which is then not paid. The I Ching‘s commentary in both cases is 10 – the treading.

Weiterlesen: 10 – treading (conduct)

16 – enthusiasm

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 16 – Enthusiasm I received a couple of questions concerning quite different issues:

  • “How should I interpret my physical symptoms?”
  • “What point am I at right now?”
  • “Without success, I can not keep living. But success always includes some failure. How can I deal with this?”
  • “What do I have to give up to be happy?”
  • A user asks the I Ching about a medical procedure.
Weiterlesen: 16 – enthusiasm