Contemporary Interpretation

Inhale. Exhale.
Follow your own rhythm.
Sigh deeply. Let go.
Center yourself, come into your own heart.
Connect to your own rhythm -
And then, out of this rhythm:
Let action grow.
All by itself.
Without active doing.
Follow the Path of the Dao: A Western Approximation
The Hexagram's Inner Trigrams

Upper Trigram: Sun, Wind (Tree)
2nd Core Character: Gen, Mountain
1st Core Character: Zhen, Thunder
Lower Trigram: Dui, Lake
The Hexagram's Inner Trigrams in the Context of Yin and Yang

Changes and Impulses
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Inner truth (61) signifies reliability.
The image
Wind over the lake: the image of inner truth. Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases in order to delay executions.
The judgement
Inner truth. Pigs and fishes. Good fortune! It furthers one to cross the great water. Perseverance furthers.Full text of Richard Wilhelm's 1924 translation by Cary F. Baynes
- Hexagram 60 → hexagram 61 → hexagram 62
- LU11 (Our Inner Quality of Values)
- XVII The Star, Nine of Wands and Page of Cups